No presence of IS in Pakistan: Nawaz


SARAJEVO: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday said there was no presence of the terrorist group Islamic State (IS) in Pakistan.

The prime minister was speaking to a delegation of Bosnian parliamentarians. He emphasized on exchange of parliamentary delegations and sharing of their respective expertise.

The parliamentarians of Bosnia and Herzegovina included Barisa Colak Borjana Kristo and Mladen Bosic while Pakistani side included PM’s Special Assistant on Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi Pakistan’s ambassador Lt Gen (retd) Salim Nawaz and Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina Nedim Makarevic.

Later, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the Chairman of Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina Dr Denis Zvizdic on Wednesday agreed to strengthen ties in the field of trade, defence, agriculture and textiles.

Addressing a joint press conference following their meeting at the Institutions Building (Parliament), the two expressed commitment for establishment of a joint commission to further strengthen mutual relations.

Nawaz said he had a detailed exchange of views on regional and international matters with the chairman, and added that Pakistan stood committed to its support for the progress and prosperity of people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He said it was a great pleasure visiting the “friends and well-wishers” of the beautiful and historic city of Sarajevo and expressed gratitude to the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina in advancing ties with Pakistan.

He said the high-level visit was part of boosting momentum in bilateral relationship and added the he concluded with chairman “the most productive discussion” that focused on entire spectrum of bilateral relations and further cooperation in trade, investment, defence, culture and education.

Nawaz said cooperation in power sector and the energy crisis that Pakistan was facing at present, came under discussion.

He mentioned that Pakistan had large coal reserves in Sindh, while Bosnia had expertise in hydropower which could be shared.

He said infrastructure development mainly construction of motorways and highways being built in both Pakistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina was discussed.

He mentioned that Bosnia had a very vibrant production in wood, textile industry and thanked the government of Bosnia for inviting Pakistanis to display their products at an exhibition in their country.

He expressed satisfaction that the two countries had agreed to sign visa abolition of their holders of diplomatic and official passports.

The prime minister said Pakistan’s growth rate had gone up and invited the Bosnian businessmen and trade chambers to take opportunities offered by the country’s business conducive environment.

He invited the chairman of councils of ministers to visit Pakistan, saying ‘Long live the friendship of Pakistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina’.

Dr Zvizdic welcomed Nawaz on visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina and termed Pakistan a “sincere friend” of his country. He thanked Pakistan for extending assistance to Bosnia in a number of sectors and also widely recognizing its position and sovereignty at the international level.

He mentioned that the Pak-Bosnia relations had moved to a new phase in the fields of economy and trade, with increase bilateral trade during last 12 months. He said the meeting with Nawaz focused on matters of common interest, with areas identified for cooperation particularly in agriculture, textile and defence.

“We would focus on developing relations in these three sectors, which would lead to the overall strengthening of our economic relations,” he said.

Dr Zvizdic said his government was looking forward to receiving a Pakistani business delegation to explore the sectors having potential of cooperation in agriculture to display their products at an exhibition scheduled next year.

“The visit of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will further develop our relations and we see it as confirmation of our longstanding future cooperation,” the chairman council of ministers said.

Separately, Nawaz and Zvizdic visited the old city of Sarajevo. Both walked down the streets of Bascarsija – the ancient city reminding of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian times.

They also visited the 16th century Gazi Khusrav Beg Mosque.

Earlier, the Bosnian prime minister also hosted a lunch for Nawaz and his delegation.

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